Pregnancy Answers – FAQs
Can You Have Menstrual Periods During Pregnancy?
Menstrual periods cannot happen during pregnancy. The cycling of your hormones stops because during pregnancy your hormone levels remain high, which is necessary for the pregnancy to continue. There are no major drops in these certain hormones (estrogen and progesterone) which would cause a period to occur. They are continuously produced, preventing the shedding of the uterine lining. Some women may appear to have light periods during pregnancy, especially during the first trimester, although the spotting or bleeding is caused by a different factor. Close to one percent of women have some abnormal bleeding early in pregnancy, often mistaken for a period. In half the cases, the bleeding stops and the pregnancy continues with no additional bleeding problems. Likely causes of bleeding in the first trimester include: threatened miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, a subchorionic hemorrhage and polyps on the cervix. Later in pregnancy, bleeding can be caused from placental problems or premature labor. If you experience any bleeding, you should notify your doctor or midwife immediately.
Can a Few Drinks Before I Knew I Was Pregnant Affect My Baby?
Don’t be alarmed if you had a drink or two before you found out you were pregnant, because it’s unlikely that it caused harm to your unborn baby, however, it’s very important to stop drinking as soon as you suspect you may be pregnant. No amount of alcohol is proven safe and continued drinking will cause a variety of problems for your baby including fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS), prematurity, low birth weight, mental retardation and other abnormalities. Be careful for the remainder of your pregnancy and focus on staying as healthy as you can from now on.
Menstrual Periods, Drinking and Hair Dye
Cats, Ultrasounds and First Movements
Fish, Exercising and Sleep
Sex, Cesarean and Back Labor
Tanning Beds, Weight Gain and Areola Changes
Castor Oil, Smaller Shoes and Nesting Instincts
First Prenatal Visit