Pregnancy Week 39
Your baby’s reflexes are coordinated so he or she can blink, grip firmly, and respond to sounds, light and touch. Your baby’s umbilical cord is about a half inch thick and contains 2 arteries and a single vein. At birth, your baby’s umbilical cord will measure about 20 inches in length (on average). The umbilical cord is still supplying your baby with a lot of nutrients as he or she continues to gain weight. Have you decided who’s going to be the one that gets to cut the cord after delivery?
You’re about as big as you can get at this point in your pregnancy and the top of your uterus may very well be up to 8 inches above your belly button. You are probably feeling very large, unbalanced and very uncomfortable. You’re almost there, just a week or so left! Now is a good time to relax and take it easy. Taking a warm bath can be very comforting and will take the weight off for a little while. Your body may already be preparing itself for labor, with your cervix softening and possibly dilating. Be sure to alert your doctor or midwife if you have any leaking of fluid or bleeding.